Adventures — 16 November 2014 at 11:30 pm

Photo Essay: The Colorado River

Andrew Peacock / Medical Director, EWM Australia

Dr Andrew Peacock is a widely published adventure travel photographer. Indeed, you may remember some of his stunning mountain photographs featured in Adventure Medic last year. Andrew has just launched a new whitewater medicine course and in honour of the event, he has submitted a photo essay documenting 18 days adventure rafting through the Grand Canyon on the mighty Colorado River.

(You can make the captions disappear by clicking on the cross in the top right hand corner of the caption box. Click on the ‘i’ to the left of the pictures to bring them back up.)

A journey like this comes along perhaps only once in a lifetime. It should not be missed. My wife, Sabina, and I were invited by a friend to join a leisurely private trip. As a lifelong ocean kayaker, I accepted the challenge to paddle the rapids rather than sit on a raft. An intensive burst of instruction first at the New Zealand Kayak School helped bombproof my roll but much of the journey was surprisingly tranquil. Authorities regulate the number of people on the river at any one time and so finding a peaceful sandy campsite each afternoon was never difficult. Best of all, we developed a strong camaraderie amongst our group, making the whole trip a pleasure.


For more of Andrew Peacock’s Photography, please visit his website, Footloose Fotography